Framed canvas, acrylic
1000 х 700 х 20 mm
Exploring the theme of winter through the use of layered imagery and an intertwined black line dialogue.

The painting is comprised of two distinct stories that overlap but do not intersect. The first story is a visual representation of winter, with elements such as cold and fog, overcast weather, and bright sunshine in the snow. The second story is represented by two black lines that twist and turn, creating their own chaotic conversation.
The two black lines that twist and turn throughout the painting represent the dialogue between two people. This dialogue is chaotic, with interruptions, shouts, and insertions of individual words, but it is still a dialogue nonetheless. The two lines are not a representation of an internal struggle, but rather a conversation between two individuals. The lines' chaotic and intertwined nature symbolizes the unpredictable and often tumultuous nature of human communication and relationships.
It is not a single, unified experience, but is instead assembled from various scraps of experiences and sensations associated with the season. This fragmented representation of winter is conveyed through the use of overlapping imagery, with different elements of winter - such as cold and fog, overcast weather, and bright sunshine in the snow - coexisting within the same visual space.
The painting invites the viewer to contemplate the relationships between the various sensations of winter and the chaotic dialogue between the two individuals. It challenges the viewer to consider the connections between seemingly disparate experiences and concepts, and to look beyond the surface of things to see the underlying complexities and connections that exist.

Ultimately, the painting is a meditation on the interrelated nature of reality, and the ways in which different experiences and sensations can intersect and overlap in unexpected and meaningful ways.
Winter. Dialogue

Winter. Dialogue
